What A Guy Wants: Fashionable Combinations


Here’s some food for thought:
I recently read  an article in Cosmo titled “101 THINGS ABOUT MEN.” In the article there was an excerpt explaining “The Combo That Dudes Can’t Resist.” Cosmo asked guys to rate women 1-10 based on the following combinations and these are the scores:

2. A little black dress and a martini: 8
3. A miniskirt and a seabreeze: 8
4. A pencil skirt and a whiskey: 7
5. A tube top and a margarita: 5

Surprised? I had to say I was a little. But don’t fret fashionistas… I got the scoop and already have an outfit picked out for you! After asking some of my guy friends what they believe is the most flattering outfit, this is my conclusion for you to try sometime this weekend if you would like: cute black flowy tank, lighter jeans, strappy black heels, and most importantly, accessories that are big, bold, bright, and fun.

Stay in fashion,


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